Examples of use of TB Alert
1. And, as this story shows, it can still wreck lives." TB Alert, www.tbalert.org Share this article: What is this?
2. According to the UK charity TB Alert, the doctor‘s reaction was typical, demonstrating the general lack of awareness among healthcare professionals.
3. "Because tuberculosis has been dealt with so effectively in the past 50 years, many GPs, particularly those away from the high–risk areas such as London, will never have seen the disease," says Melanie Matthews, of TB Alert.
4. As Tina Harrison of the charity TB Alert explains: "As more of us travel, live and work in places like Africa and India, where TB is endemic, there is the possibility of a rise in TB cases back in the UK." Last year, an American lawyer infected with a drug–resistant strain of TB caused panic when, against doctors‘ orders, he took a flight from Europe to Atlanta.